Monday, May 07, 2007


While walking the greenway near our house yesterday, Madison noticed spray paint writing on the ground from time to time. At one point I noticed one that I tried my best to distract her attention from, but her curiosity drew her to the writing. She said with some disgust and disappointment in her voice "Mom, why would someone write their name on the walkway?" To which I replied (ignoring the fact that it wasn't a name) "honey, I don't know why someone would do that." Thinking we got through this word discovery unscathed I continued walking. As Madison walked away from the writing she then announces what she read. . . "It says FUCK mom." Our conversation continued as follows:

"Honey, I know what it says. That's a very bad word that you should never say."
"I didn't know. I've never even heard that word before."
"I know, but it's a bad word, so now that you know, be sure to not use that word anymore."
"What's it mean?"
"It means many things, but it's mostly used when someone is very upset."
"Why would they use that word?"
"Because they don't have any better words to use."

Who would have guessed that my child would learn the f-bomb while taking a nature walk with me? Not from public school, or the neighborhood kid all parents avoid, or from television, movies, or media, or the internet, etc. I suppose (considering we all learn it at some point or another) I'm glad she learned it with me instead of through those other outlets.

Aside from the lesson for that day, the walk was really quite nice. We saw a baby snake, a cardinal, a turtle and a few ducks too. The river was muddy from days of rain, but the air was cool and the sun was shining and the trees were bright green. It was a beautiful day to learn the f-word :)


Blogger Tisra said...

Ahhhh. You made such a beautiful story of it- well put. And doesn't Madison look adorable?! What a great mother-daughter experience. ANd, you're right- how nice to have Mom explain it and talk about it, rather than have someone play it off as "cool" or a good way to handle frustration. Maddie will be the sort to pull from all her years of education and use more eloquent vocabulary to describe situations and emotions. I've always felt the same- expletives are for people who aren't creative enough to come up with something else. :-)

5:19 PM  
Blogger Girl said...

Oh dear...but you handled it very well

11:49 AM  
Blogger Jay said...

I agree with both of your points:
1. one shouldn't learn how to drop f-bombs on a nature trail;
2. it's much better that she learned not to drop it from mommy instead learning to drop it from Johnny.

If only more parents could be there for their children in that way...

1:00 PM  
Blogger Mary said...

When I opened your blog I saw the title first and had to look again to make sure I was in the right place. Shock! How much more so to have it spill from her innocent lips. I get so frustrated I could cuss...I mean, I could beat some heads together. :)

Thanks for sharing, it encourages us all to be looking out and to be ready to explain to our kids what is slapped in their face for absolutely no good reason. You did handle it well, as has been said.

2:43 PM  

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