Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Why is it that every time you come down here, a hurricane follows?

That was the first line of an e-mail I received this morning from a highschool friend in Miami. That's right . . . I snuck down to Miami for the weekend. Didn't tell anyone in my family I was coming. Showed up Friday night and let myself in the house since nobody was home (and I have a key!). My family (mom, dad, niece & nephew) arrived home within 10 minutes of my arrival. I opened the front door to see them all getting out of the family van without any hurry or curiosity as to why there was an unidentified car in their yard. Then my niece looks up to see me standing in the door and an uncontrollable giggle ensues. The parentals look up to see what is so funny and with a squint to confirm that their aged eyes have not mistaken them, they say "What are you doing here?" To which I thought "Glad to see you too." They were thrilled and excited by the surprise they encountered in seeing me standing in their doorway Friday night.

The following day, my middle brother called home to talk to my mom. She said, "Guess what I found at my house when I came home last night." This began the conversation explaining to him that I had surprised them, to which he responds "How come she has a key?" My mom (who HATES to lie) said "She forgot to give it back the last time she visited." This was to spare his sensitive "middle child" feelings. After the phone conversation ended I asked "Why don't you just tell him the truth?" "I'm the favorite child and that's why I have a key to your house." To which she laughed and said "I could never tell him that because his feelings would be too hurt and I don't want to deal with that." Funny how I must have forgotten to give the key back again after this visit, because I still have it :)

Anyhow, my visit was GREAT. Had a party for my dad's birthday. My niece (six years old) told me that she loves when I visit, because I always plan a party. It's so nice to know that she associates me with a party every time I visit. Usually it is me throwing the party, because that's the easiest way for me to get all of the family together in one visit, but this tiime, my mom had the party planned before she knew that she'd have me as an unexpected visitor. So I can't take credit.

I loved spending time with my niece and nephew and some of my smaller cousins. We made Shirley Temple cocktails for them, complete with fancy toothpicks to spear their cherries as garnish and we concocted a fun candy mix. It started out as candy corn and lightly salted peanuts, then the next day we added peanut butter m&ms, followed by the addition of raisins. The final product was irresistable. The kids brainstormed of other things we could add to the mix to change it up and keep it exciting . . . eggs, chicken, marshmallows. They are quite imaginative! Fun times.


Blogger Tisra said...

Wow, sounds like a great trip. I can only imagine that having his daughter home for his birthday was the best present!

10:38 AM  
Blogger Mary said...

Yeah, so glad it went well. Gotta love Southwest!

11:24 AM  

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