Tuesday, December 20, 2005

The American Idiot

Over the past year or so, I've realized just how stupid we are becoming as a society. This stupidity is being accepted more and more as a standard level of intelligence and it's driving me crazy. Here's one of my biggest pet peeves . . . people who ignorantly use the word "your" when the appropriate word is "you're". I cannot believe the number of people who do this REGULARLY. I see it in professional business correspondence. Most recently I saw this ignorance on a shirt that Paris Hilton was wearing, which has since been mass-produced and made available for purchase. The front of the shirt says "That's Hot". The back says "Your Not". I find it crazy to believe that NOBODY in the process of making that shirt knew enough basic grammar to correct it before it was made.

My concern is that the more it is used improperly the sooner it will become completely acceptable and we'll adjust our American Grammar rules to meet this stupidity rather than hold everyone accountable to learn proper English.

For anyone reading this that is baffled and confused, let me explain the difference for you. YOUR - this is a word of posession. Your coat, your car, your belongings. . . etc. YOU'RE - this is a contraction for "you are". You're going to the mall. You're welcome. You're going to bed early. . . etc.

It's o.k. if you do it one time accidentally as you're (look I just used it correctly) typing a quick e-mail to someone. If you use is regularly because you don't know better, GET A CLUE or an education.

This is the first of what I'm sure will become many posts on my pet peeves with the "American Idiot".


Blogger Girl said...

Amen, sistah!! AMEN!!


ps - welcome back :)

8:59 AM  
Blogger Mary said...

I need to link this to my bathroom etiquette blog. It's so fun to rant sometimes.

2:08 PM  
Blogger Traci said...

I just saw a business ad on a truck that said Ya'll something. It's not ya'll. It's y'all. you all. y'all. Oh my goodness! Preach on, sister!

8:24 PM  

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